Ecole Bell - Cambridge
Ecole Bell Cambridge - Students

Impara l'inglese a Cambridge con la scuola Bell

Un'esperienza linguistica indimenticabile in Inghilterra

La scuola

La scuola di inglese Bell si trova vicino al centro storico della città universitaria di Cambridge e gode di un parco eccezionale che la rende senza dubbio la più bella scuola di lingua di Cambridge per un soggiorno linguistico. Un mix di tradizione e modernità, la scuola vanta un elenco di personalità che hanno studiato inglese che farebbe invidia a molte scuole di lingua in Inghilterra. Recentemente ristrutturate, le aule sono moderne e spaziose e sono dotate di lavagne interattive. La moderna e spaziosa caffetteria offre una vasta scelta di cibi e bevande durante il giorno. Il wifi è naturalmente gratuito.

I corsi

La scuola Bell offre una vasta selezione di corsi oltre ai tradizionali corsi di inglese intensivi, preparazione per l'IELTS e gli esami di Cambridge. Offre infatti corsi di formazione per il CELTA, preparazione per i Masters, International Baccalaureate Diploma e anche programmi di fondazione in "Humanities, Law, Business" e "Accounting and Finance". È interessante notare che è disponibile anche un corso durante le vacanze di Natale.


La scuola di lingua offre l'alloggio presso famiglie ospitanti o in residenza. L'alloggio presso famiglie ospitanti permette di scoprire la vita degli inglesi e offre anche l'opportunità di praticare l'inglese al di fuori delle lezioni. Ogni camera è dotata (oltre a un letto...) di un armadio, una scrivania, un servizio di lavanderia settimanale e lenzuola e asciugamani. Il wifi è incluso. Tutte le famiglie sono a una distanza ragionevole dalla scuola, in genere meno di 30 minuti.

È anche possibile scegliere un alloggio in una residenza come ad esempio Tripos Court, rinnovata nel 2015, che offre camere singole con bagni, cucine in comune e wifi.

Scuola di lingua Bell di Cambridge in immagini

  • Minimum age : 16
  • Number of classes : 30
  • Number of students per class : 10
  • Levels : elementary to high advanced
Holidays :
18-apr-2025, 21-apr-2025, 5-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 25-ago-2025
Vacations :
From 20.12.25 to 04.01.26
  • Campus
  • Wifi
  • English UK
  • British Council
  • Favourite
  • 5 stars
  • Cours généraux
  • Préparation aux examens
  • Cours spéciaux
  • tennis
  • football
  • basket
  • Campus
  • Wifi
  • English UK
  • British Council
  • Favourite
  • 5 stars
  • Cours généraux
  • Préparation aux examens
  • Cours spéciaux
  • tennis
  • football
  • basket

Corsi di inglese presso Bell (Cambridge)

General English 15

From 320.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 14 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 15 lessons of 60 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : elementary to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 27-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 26-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, less

General English 15 + Skills 5 (20h)

From 380.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 14 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 60 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : elementary to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 27-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 26-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, less

General English 15 + One to One 5 (20h)

From 570.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 14 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 60 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : elementary to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 27-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 26-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, less

General English 15 + Skills 5 + One-to-One 5 (25h)

From 660.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 14 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 25 lessons of 60 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : elementary to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 27-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 26-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, less

IELTS Exam Preparation 15

From 320.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 14 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 15 lessons of 60 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 27-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 26-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, less

IELTS Exam Preparation 15 + Skills 5

From 380.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 14 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 60 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 27-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 26-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, less

IELTS Exam Preparation 15 + Skills 10

From 480.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 14 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 25 lessons of 60 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 3-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 17-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 27-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 4-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 26-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 27-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, less

Cambridge Exam Preparation - FCE 20

From 435.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 14 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 60 min.
Levels : intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-ott-2025

Cambridge Exam Preparation - CAE 20

From 435.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 14 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 60 min.
Levels : upper intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-ott-2025

Cambridge Exam Preparation - FCE Fast-track 25

From 598.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 14 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 25 lessons of 60 min.
Levels : intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 23-giu-2025

Cambridge Exam Preparation - CAE Fast-track 25

From 598.00 GBP / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 14 (10 avg)
Number of courses per week : 25 lessons of 60 min.
Levels : upper intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 23-giu-2025

Alloggi presso Bell (Cambridge)


- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Shared bathroom
Half board
Internet wifi
From 270.00 GBP / week

Bell Garden House

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Shared bathroom
Not specified
Internet wifi
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
Internet wifi
From 350.00 GBP / week


- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Private bathroom
Internet wifi
From 330.00 GBP / week

The Frank Bell Residence

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
Internet wifi
From 390.00 GBP / week

The Frank Bell Residence - Premium room

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
Internet wifi
From 405.00 GBP / week

The Railyard - Summer

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
Internet wifi
From 375.00 GBP / week

Scholars House - Summer

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Private bathroom
Half board
Internet wifi
From 450.00 GBP / week

Student Castle

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
Internet wifi
From 330.00 GBP / week

St Barnabas Place

- Minimum age : 0
Double room
Private bathroom
Half board
Not specified
Single room
Private bathroom
Half board
Not specified
From 350.00 GBP / week
Optional courses